With over 50 years of experience, we have a range of services to help plan and streamline your journey.

Planning Strategy Advice
Due Diligence
Planning Appraisals / Feasibility
Formal Pre-application Requests

Planning Applications
Section 73 amendments
Section 96a amendments
Listed Building Consent

Permitted Developments Rights
Use Classes Order Changes of use
Class A, B, E - Dwelling houses, outbuildings and curtilage
Class MA - Change of use of commercial building to residential
Class AA – Airspace / Additional storeys
Class Q - Change of use agricultural building to residential use
Class R – Change of use of agricultural buildings to flexible commercial use

Lawful Development Certificates
Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed Use or Development (CLOPUD)
Certificate of Lawfulness Existing Use or Development (CLUED)

Heritage Advice
Listed Building Consent
Section 19 amendments
Conservation Area advice

Local Plan - Site Promotion
Brownfield / Previously Developed Land (PDL)
Call for Sites / Site Allocation

Planning Appeals
S78 Appeals
Enforcement Notices and Appeals

Environmental Advice
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and Habitat Regulations
Water and Phosphate Neutrality
AONB Development / National Park Development
EIA Scoping and Screening

Community and Political Engagement
Public consultation and engagement
Engagement with Members
Engagement with key stakeholders
Engagement with parish councils